Friday, April 16, 2010

An Egyptian blogger was sent to prison for 4 yrs for "Insulting Islam and the president of Egypt" ?

Why can't Islam standup to the test of freedom of speech without prison or death sentences(S Rushdie)? A lone blogger insulting the president is a crime? How STUPID and petty and BACKWARD.

An Egyptian blogger was sent to prison for 4 yrs for "Insulting Islam and the president of Egypt" ?
I am an Egyptian and I have read what the guy wrote in Arabic.

I can assure you of the following

1- the guy did not insult Islam in any way shape or form

2- the guy criticized some of the clergy for trying to force the election of the president down the throats of the Egyptians as an Islamic duty

3- The crime of insulting Islam was giving as a cover to force people not to think about what he said was true or not

In the history of Islam, people were ENCOURAGED to criticize the Caliphs who came after Prophet Muhammad PUH to a great extent without calling it a crime.

During the time of the rulers who came after the caliphate some criticism was allowed depending on the ruler and the circumstances but tyrants would not accept any criticism.

So the rule against the poor guy has nothing to do with Islam it is just a tyrant carrying out his rule not Islam rules.

God bless

Added later

I am sorry to report that point 1 that I posted was not correct. I depended in my information on an opposition newspaper but from two western newspaper they are confirming that the guy insulted the Prophet PUH. but I still stand by the conclusion, the guy was tried and convicted for insulting the president and the other accusations are to cover it up
Reply:Islam is not about freedom.

Islam and freedom shouldn't really be used in the same sentence.
Reply:Islam is being used in Egypt, if you don't know, for political reasons. and the "speakers" of Islam nowadays find it not in their favour to stand up for anything because it makes them directly clash with the power and authority of the tyranical regime.

and since the "speakers" of Islam are comfortable the way they are, doing whatever they do, then people will get injustice everywhere.

It's the same old story of "freedom" that people seek and always find opressors who will get harmed by this freedom.
Reply:If that were true, I would get life..
Reply:If the story is true, and I do not know if it is, because I have not read anything about it, it is another reason I am glad I am an American. If I was to insult say all Christian religions and President Bush, I would not be sent to prison. Might get yelled at by a bunch of Christian's, but that would be about it. Now if I made a threat against President Bush's life, and it was considered serious, then I could be sent to prison. Like I said, I am glad I am an American.
Reply:You are talking without any bases and blaming Islam. TELL OR SHOW ME were did Islam give death sentence to S Rushdie. By the way don't tell me Iran gave one thats dumb reply because its a country not the whole ISLAM. As far as his book its all lie and lots of scholars have challenged him and he is afraid to take there challenge of debate (I guess u never head about it WHY?).

As far as blogger given sentence for 4yrs is because he insulted dictator of Egypt and he is no good either because he does that to anyone who insults or go against him its not ISLAM but its dictatorship that is doing it and we (USA) is always behind them and never say anything to him because he is our puppet.
Reply:Islam - being the fastest growing "religion" at the moment, they think they own it all. Turkey - upon its entrance into the European Union, told the world that this is the beginning of the "islamisation" of the rest of Europe...when I heard this it brought an ache to my heart, cos to me its all about manipulation and force, and the whole religion focuses and practises exactly that. Forget about the freedom of speech. In islam you just do as you're told. nothing else matters. i should know, i grew up in that community.
Reply:Pretty bass ackwards.

Kudos to "Erock". After 11 years, he finally figured out out how to copy and paste from the keyboard or, like a moron, spend two hours keying in the same phrase over and over.

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